Manual on Management of the Burn Patient  Including Splinting  Mold and Pressure Techniques(Maude H. Malick Judith A. Carr)(Harmarville Rehabilitation 1982)

  • 书名:Manual on Management of the Burn Patient: Including Splinting, Mold and Pressure Techniques
  • 出版社:Harmarville Rehabilitation
  • 作者:Maude H. Malick Judith A. Carr
  • 出版年份:1982
  • 电子书格式: PDF
  • 简介:This 1982 manual from Harmarville Rehabilitation Center provides a comprehensive guide to burn patient management. Learn essential techniques for splinting, molding, and pressure therapy, crucial for burn wound healing and scar management. The book covers various aspects of burn care, offering invaluable insights for healthcare professionals, including nurses, doctors, and physical therapists involved in the treatment of burn injuries. Improve patient outcomes with this detailed resource on effective burn care practices. Ideal for medical professionals, students, and researchers studying burn wound treatment and rehabilitation.
  • ISBN:9789998880948
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