Multiscale Deformation and Fracture in Materials and Structures  The James R. Rice 60th Anniversary Volume(W. Y. Chien  H. -M. Huang  J. Pan  S. C. Tang (aut...)(Springer Netherlands 2002)

  • 书名:Multiscale Deformation and Fracture in Materials and Structures: The James R. Rice 60th Anniversary Volume
  • 出版社:Springer Netherlands
  • 作者:W. Y. Chien, H. -M. Huang, J. Pan, S. C. Tang (auth.), T. -J. Chuang, J. W. Rudnicki (eds.)
  • 出版年份:2002
  • 电子书格式: PDF
  • 简介:This comprehensive volume, celebrating James R. Rice’s 60th birthday, delves into multiscale deformation and fracture mechanics in materials and structures. Leading researchers contribute chapters exploring advanced topics such as plasticity, damage mechanics, and computational modeling. Ideal for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in materials science, mechanical engineering, and civil engineering. Discover cutting-edge advancements in understanding material behavior at various length scales, from atomistic to macroscopic, and their implications for structural integrity and design. Explore the legacy of Professor Rice’s groundbreaking contributions to fracture mechanics.
  • ISBN:9780306469527
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