Ethnic America  A History(Thomas Sowell)(Basic Books 1981)

  • 书名:Ethnic America: A History
  • 出版社:Basic Books
  • 作者:Thomas Sowell
  • 出版年份:1981
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Explore the multifaceted history of ethnic groups in America with Thomas Sowell’s seminal work, “Ethnic America: A History.” This 1981 book offers a comprehensive examination of the experiences, contributions, and challenges faced by various ethnic communities in the United States. Delving into cultural nuances, socioeconomic factors, and political landscapes, Sowell provides a nuanced perspective on the evolution of ethnic relations in America. Discover the historical context and contemporary implications of ethnic identity in this in-depth analysis.
  • ISBN:9780465020744, 04650
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