- 书名:Prompts Avanzados: Guia Practica Para Maximizar El Potencial De La IA: Haz Que La IA Trabaje Para Ti: Los Secretos De Los Prompts Avanzados
- 出版社:Aidan Navarro
- 作者:Aidan Navarro
- 出版年份:2024
- 电子书格式: EPUB
- 简介:Unlock the power of AI with this practical guide to advanced prompts. Learn secrets to maximizing AI potential and making it work for you. Discover expert strategies to generate desired results, from creative writing to problem-solving. Ideal for anyone seeking to leverage AI’s capabilities for personal and professional growth. Discover the intricacies of crafting effective prompts to optimize AI responses and uncover innovative solutions. Master advanced techniques for customized AI experiences. Learn how to tailor AI for unique projects, unlocking your productivity and creativity.
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