The Enlightened Economy. Britain and the Industrial Revolution  1700-1850 (Joel Mokyr)(Yale University Press 2010)

  • 书名:The Enlightened Economy: An Economic History of Britain 1700-1850
  • 出版社:Yale University Press
  • 作者:Joel Mokyr
  • 出版年份:2010
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Dive into Joel Mokyr’s “The Enlightened Economy,” exploring Britain’s transformative Industrial Revolution (1700-1850). Discover how intellectual and cultural shifts fueled unprecedented economic growth. Mokyr examines the crucial role of knowledge, innovation, and institutions in shaping this pivotal period. This insightful analysis unveils the complex interplay of factors driving technological advancements, economic expansion, and societal change. Ideal for students, scholars, and anyone interested in economic history, innovation, and the British Industrial Revolution. Uncover the secrets behind Britain’s rise to global dominance.
  • ISBN:9780300124552, 03001
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