The Future of Language  How Technology  Politics and Utopianism are Transforming the Way we Communicate(Philip Seargeant)(Bloomsbury Academic 2023)

  • 书名:The Future of Language: How Technology, Politics and Utopianism are Transforming the Way we Communicate
  • 出版社:Bloomsbury Academic
  • 作者:Philip Seargeant
  • 出版年份:2023
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Explore the profound impact of technology, politics, and utopian ideals on language evolution. This book examines how communication is changing, delving into the intersection of language, technology, and societal shifts. Discover the future of human interaction, from digital communication trends to the role of language in shaping political discourse. Uncover the utopian visions surrounding language’s future and analyze the challenges and opportunities these trends present.
  • ISBN:9781350278851, 13502
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