Niệm Phật Chuyển Hoá Tế Bào Ung Thư(Pháp Sư Đạo Chứng)(The Corporate Body of The Buddha Educational Foundation 2012)

  • 书名:Niệm Phật Chuyển Hoá Tế Bào Ung Thư
  • 出版社:The Corporate Body of The Buddha Educational Foundation
  • 作者:Pháp Sư Đạo Chứng
  • 出版年份:2012
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:This book, “Niệm Phật Chuyển Hoá Tế Bào Ung Thư (Pháp Sư Đạo Chứng)”, explores the potential of Buddhist meditation in impacting cellular transformation, particularly in relation to cancer. Published in 2012, it examines the principles of mindfulness and the practice of reciting Buddha’s name to foster healing and well-being. Insights from Buddhist philosophy are presented alongside reflections on the scientific aspects of cellular processes. Explore the intersection of spirituality and health, and discover potential applications of meditation in improving health and well-being.
  • ISBN:
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