- 书名:希腊奴隶占有制时期哲学中的唯物主义和唯心主义的斗争(德谟克利特、柏拉图)
- 出版社:Hypothetical Academic Press
- 作者:???
- 出版年份:0
- 电子书格式: pdf
- 简介:Explore the philosophical clash between materialism and idealism during the Hellenic slave-owning period, focusing on the seminal works of Democritus and Plato. This book delves into their contrasting views on reality, knowledge, and the human condition, examining their influence on subsequent philosophical thought. Discover how socioeconomic structures of the time shaped their perspectives, providing a nuanced understanding of ancient Greek philosophy and its enduring legacy. Ideal for students and scholars of ancient philosophy, classics, and intellectual history.
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