Soil Mechanics and Plastic Analysis for Limit Design(Drucker D.C.  Prager W.)

  • 书名:Soil Mechanics and Plastic Analysis for Limit Design
  • 出版社:Unknown
  • 作者:Drucker D.C.; Prager W.
  • 出版年份:0
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Delve into the foundational principles of soil mechanics and plastic analysis for limit design with Drucker and Prager’s seminal work. This comprehensive guide explores the theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of limit design methods in geotechnical engineering. Ideal for students and professionals, it offers a rigorous yet accessible treatment of advanced topics, including stress analysis, yield criteria, and stability problems. Gain a deep understanding of soil behavior and master the techniques for analyzing and designing structures subjected to complex loading conditions. This classic text remains an invaluable resource for anyone working in geotechnical engineering or related fields.
  • ISBN:
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