- 书名:下沉年代(白宫之乱的根本原因是什么?拜登上任后美国何去何从?通俗版《美国陷阱》,面对面访谈民主党前幕僚,深刻解读美国为什么会衰落。)
- 出版社:Independently Published
- 作者:乔治•帕克
- 出版年份:2020
- 电子书格式: EPUB
- 简介:Delve into the root causes of America’s turmoil in ‘The Sinking Age,’ an insightful interview with a former Democratic aide. This accessible book examines the Biden administration’s challenges, explores the trajectory of American decline, and offers a compelling narrative reminiscent of ‘The American Trap.’ Uncover the internal struggles and systemic issues plaguing the United States, gaining crucial understanding of its present state and future prospects. Perfect for readers interested in American politics, current events, and geopolitical analysis.
- ISBN:9787549633425
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