Assembly Codes  The Logistics of Media 9781478010760(Matthew Hockenberry  Nicole Starosielski  Susan Zi...)(Duke University Press Books 2021)

  • 书名:Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media 9781478010760
  • 出版社:Duke University Press Books
  • 作者:Matthew Hockenberry, Nicole Starosielski, Susan Zieger, John Durham Peters
  • 出版年份:2021
  • 电子书格式: pdf
  • 简介:Dive into “Assembly Codes: The Logistics of Media”, a 2021 publication from Duke University Press Books. This insightful book explores the intricate relationship between media and its underlying assembly processes. Authors Matthew Hockenberry, Nicole Starosielski, and Susan Zi profiles uncover the often-overlooked logistical aspects shaping media’s creation, distribution, and consumption. Discover how infrastructure, technology, and labor intersect to form the media landscape we experience. Explore critical perspectives on media studies, digital culture, and technological infrastructure. Perfect for scholars, students, and anyone interested in the behind-the-scenes workings of media.
  • ISBN:9781478009733, 97814
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