- 书名:Collins Cobuild英语语法系列:同音异义词
- 出版社:外文出版社
- 作者:辛克莱
- 出版年份:2000
- 电子书格式: pdf
- 简介:This comprehensive guide, “Collins Cobuild English Grammar Series: Homonyms and Synonyms (Sinclair)”, tackles the tricky world of English homonyms and synonyms. Published by Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press in 2000, this book provides clear explanations and practical examples to help learners differentiate between similar-sounding or similar-meaning words. Mastering this essential aspect of English grammar improves fluency, accuracy, and overall comprehension. Ideal for students, ESL/EFL learners, and anyone seeking to enhance their English vocabulary and grammar skills. Improve your writing and speaking with confidence by understanding the nuances of homonyms and synonyms. This invaluable resource is a must-have for anyone serious about improving their English language proficiency.
- ISBN:9787119026343, 71190
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