Pornography(Andrea Dworkin)(Plume Books 1989)

  • 书名:Pornography
  • 出版社:Plume Books
  • 作者:Andrea Dworkin
  • 出版年份:1989
  • 电子书格式: epub
  • 简介:Andrea Dworkin’s “Pornography” (1989, Plume Books) is a groundbreaking feminist text that explores the complex relationship between pornography, power, and violence against women. Dworkin argues that pornography is not simply sexually explicit material but a system of power that normalizes and perpetuates the subordination of women. This book remains highly relevant today, sparking ongoing debates about censorship, freedom of speech, and the impact of pornography on society. Explore Dworkin’s radical critique of pornography and its far-reaching consequences. This essential work challenges readers to confront uncomfortable truths and engage in critical discussions about gender, sexuality, and power dynamics.
  • ISBN:9780452267930, 97803
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