- 书名:Alchemy & Mysticism
- 出版社:Taschen
- 作者:Alexander Roob
- 出版年份:2003
- 电子书格式: pdf
- 简介:Explore the fascinating world of alchemy and mysticism with Alexander Roob’s captivating book, published by Taschen in 2003. This insightful volume delves into the rich history and symbolism of alchemical practices and mystical traditions. Discover stunning illustrations and detailed explanations of alchemical processes, symbols, and their esoteric meanings. Journey through the evolution of alchemical thought from ancient civilizations to the Renaissance, uncovering the secrets and philosophies behind this intriguing subject. An essential read for students of history, art, philosophy, and the esoteric.
- ISBN:9783822815144, 38228
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