数据库 Practical SQL: A Beginner’s Guide to Storytelling with Data(Anthony DeBarros)(No Starch Press 2018) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
数据库 SQL for Data Analysis: Advanced Techniques for Transforming Data into Insights(Cathy Tanimura)(O’Reilly Media 2021) 2 月前 0 0 2 0
数据库 Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques and Applications in Python(Galit Shmueli, Peter C. Bruce, Peter Gedeck, Nitin R. Patel)(Wiley 2020) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
数据库 PostgreSQL 14.14 Documentation(The PostgreSQL Global Development Group)(postgresql.org 2024) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
数据库 XQuery: Search Across a Variety of XML Data(Priscilla Walmsley)(O’Reilly Media 2015) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
数据库 Feature Engineering for Machine Learning(Alice Zheng, Amanda Casari)(O’Reilly Media 2018) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
数据库 Core Web Application Development With PHP And MYSQL(Marc Wandschneider)(Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference 2006) 2 周前 1 1 0 0
数据库 SQL Notes for Professionals(GoalKicker.com, Stack Overflow Documentation)(GoalKicker.com 2018) 2 月前 0 0 2 0
数据库 SQLite Database System Design and Implementation(Sibsankar Haldar)(Sibsankar Haldar 2016) 5 天前 1 1 0 0
数据库 Sql coding for beginners: An essential tool for developers using SQL statements for controlling and modifying tables, and an intermediate-level guide for learning SQL programming step by step(Coding, Tony)(2020) 5 天前 1 1 1 0
数据库 Designing Data-Intensive Applications: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems(Martin Kleppmann)(O’Reilly Media 2017) 2 月前 0 0 3 0
数据库 SQL Antipatterns, Volume 1: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming(Bill Karwin)(Pragmatic Bookshelf 2022) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
数据库 Kafka Connect: Build and Run Data Pipelines(Mickael Maison, Kate Stanley)(O’Reilly Media, Inc. 2023) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
数据库 高性能MySQL:第3版(施瓦茨(Baron Schwartz) & 扎伊采夫(Peter Zaitsev) & 特卡琴科(Vadim Tkachenko))(电子工业出版社 2013) 2 月前 0 0 3 0
数据库 PostgreSQL 16.4 Documentation(The PostgreSQL Global Development Group)(postgresql.org 2024) 1 周前 1 1 0 0
数据库 PostgreSQL Query Optimization: The Ultimate Guide to Building Efficient Queries, 2nd Edition(Henrietta Dombrovskaya, Boris Novikov, Anna Bailliekova)(Apress 2024) 1 周前 1 1 0 0