英格兰、爱尔兰和苏格兰诗歌 不要温顺地走进那个良宵 狄兰·托马斯诗合集1934-1952(颠覆传统的英诗奇才 用词和韵制造癫狂和迷醉)(狄兰·托马斯)(北京联合出版公司 2021) 6 天前 1 1 1 0
小说 一地鸡毛: 中英对照 = Ground covered with chicken feathers(刘震云;Liu Zhenyun)(Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press;Wai yu jiao xue yu yan jiu chu ban she 2012) 1 月前 0 0 2 0
经典 The Metamorphosis(Franz Kafka, Susan Bernofsky (translation), David Cronenberg (introduction))(W. W. Norton & Company 2015) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
传记与自传 Ghost in the Wires: My Adventures as the World’s Most Wanted Hacker(Kevin D. Mitnick; William L. Simon; Steve Wozniak)(Little, Brown and Company 2011) 3 天前 1 1 0 0
幻想 Blood & Steel: An epic romantic fantasy (The Legends of Thezmarr Book 1)(Helen Scheuerer)(Alchemy 2023) 5 天前 1 1 1 0