未分类 Building Applications with IBM Rational Application Developer and JavaBeans(Colette Burrus; Stephanie Parkin)(Independent Publishers Group (Chicago Review Press) 2008) 2 月前 1 1 2 0
未分类 Convolutional Neural Networks in Python: Master Data Science and Machine Learning with Modern Deep Learning in Python, Theano, and TensorFlow (Machine Learning in Python)(The LazyProgrammer) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
未分类 The Texas Revolution and Mexican-American War: The History and Legacy of the Conflicts that Led to Mexico’s Cession of the American Southwest(Charles River Editors) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Teach Yourself… C++(Al Stevens)(Hungry Minds Incorporated, MIS Press, John Wiley & Sons 1994) 2 月前 1 1 2 0
未分类 Kindling the Celtic Spirit: Ancient Traditions to Illumine Your Life Through the Seasons (Celtic spirituality and mythology, druidism)(Mara Freeman)(HarperOne 2001) 2 月前 1 1 2 0
未分类 C++ Network Programming (vol. 1: Mastering Complexity with ACE and Patterns)(Douglas C. Schmidt, Stephen D. Huston)(2001) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Learn Python in easy way using real time examples(Veluri, Anand)(Autopublished 2024) 2 月前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Ultimate Machine Learning with ML.NET(Kalicharan Mahasivabhattu & Deepti Bandi)(Orange Education Pvt Ltd, AVA™ 2024) 2 月前 1 1 1 0