未分类 茅盾文学奖传世经典·第二辑17部装.全33册(收录10届茅盾文学奖部分获奖作品;一套书饱览茅奖作家风采)(魏巍 & 莫应丰 & 周克芹 & 李凖 & 刘白羽 & 孙力 & 余小惠 & 萧克 & 刘斯奋 & 刘玉民 & 张平 & 王安忆 & 张洁 & 周大新 & 张炜 & 李佩甫 & 徐怀中 & 李洱)(人民文学出版社 2022) 2 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Python Automation: Simplify Your Tasks and Boost Productivity with Python Scripts: Automate repetitive processes, web scraping, data manipulation and more with python(Vanne, Sliver)(Autopublished 2024) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming using C++(Peter Müller)(Globewide Network Academy 1996) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Hacking: How to Make Your Own Keylogger in C++ Programming Language(Alan T. Norman)(2017) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Convolutional Neural Networks in Python: Master Data Science and Machine Learning with Modern Deep Learning in Python, Theano, and TensorFlow (Machine Learning in Python)(The LazyProgrammer) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Building Applications with IBM Rational Application Developer and JavaBeans(Colette Burrus; Stephanie Parkin)(Independent Publishers Group (Chicago Review Press) 2008) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 The Texas Revolution and Mexican-American War: The History and Legacy of the Conflicts that Led to Mexico’s Cession of the American Southwest(Charles River Editors) 1 周前 1 1 1 0
未分类 Teach Yourself… C++(Al Stevens)(Hungry Minds Incorporated, MIS Press, John Wiley & Sons 1994) 1 周前 1 1 1 0